Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Boys At Risk!

I don't know if you've seen This Brochure but it speaks volumes about the problems facing our young men today, and the benefits that a well run scouting program can offer them to overcome these challenges.

Recent Studies Indicate boys today are at risk.

They are:
33% More likely than girls to drop out of high school.
200% More likely than girls to be diagnosed with learning disabilities.
24% Less likely to enter or graduate from college than in 1970.
30% More likely to use cocaine than high school girls.
200% More likely to commit suicide between ages 5-14 than girls.

Men who were Scouts are more likely than those who have never been Scouts to:
• Graduate from high school (91% vs. 87%).
• Graduate from college (35% vs. 19%).
• Earn higher annual household incomes ($80,000 vs. $61,000).
• Value family relationships highly (81% vs. 72%).
• Have lifelong friendships (89% vs. 74%).
• Believe helping others should come before one’s own self-interest (92% vs. 83%).

Now, why is it that the vocal minority wants to condemn scouting? Why is it that more people don't support Scouting as volunteers or via FOS?

I can only hope more people will take notice of the struggles of young men in this country, and the world, and will notice that Scouting already offers opportunities and programs to help them overcome these challenges.

Study Sources:
“The Trouble with Boys.” Newsweek. 30 Jan. 2006.
Harris Interactive. Values of Scouts: A Study of Ethics
and Character. May 2005.

1 comment:

David said...

Wow, those are some great statistics!

We worked on a great service project over memorial day weekend that was great for building character.